Form 13F is required reporting for institutional investment managers in order to increase public information regarding securities holdings. SEC requires new XML format for all 13F filings. Filers must file their Form 13F Information Table according to new EDGAR XML Technical Specification.

Online SEC Form 13F preparation and submission with XML Information Table

Benefits: Filter your holdings to exclude non-13f securities according to SEC instructions.

Need help filing Form 13F, Form 13F-HR, Form 13F-NT on SEC EDGAR? Investment managers trust to prepare and file Form 13F each quarter.

The requirement to file Form 13F is triggered if the investment manager exceeded $100 million or more on the last trading day of any month during that calendar year.

13-F Filing Service

Are you looking for a cost-effective "Affordable SEC 13-F filing solutions" website? This low-cost online easy-to-use website converts XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing software lets you meet 13-F deadline easily and quickly. This low-cost web-based site creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This includes a cost-effective "Efficient SEC Information Table creation" website. Our reasonably priced cloud-based website creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing.

This form 13-F reporting tool lets you meet 13-F deadline easily and quickly. Our reasonably priced web-based website creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing tool lets you meet 13-F requirement easily and quickly. Our economical cloud-based user-friendly service creates 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Are you looking for a cost-effective "Efficient SEC Information Table creation" website? Our low-cost cloud-based user-friendly site creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This includes an affordable "Budget-friendly SEC 13-F resources" tool. Our low-cost web-based site creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. The filing deadline for SEC form 13-F is 45 days after end of quarter. This cost-effective online website creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing software lets you meet 13-F rule easily and quickly. This low-cost web-based easy-to-use service converts XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing tool lets you meet 13-F mandate easily and quickly. This economical cloud-based site creates XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This includes a user-friendly "Online tools for 13-F compliance" platform. Meet 13-F rule with this economical user-friendly 13-F filing service. Do you need an affordable "Budget-friendly SEC 13-F resources" tool?

SEC 13-F XML Table

Our cost-effective online easy-to-use service creates XML holdings table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. We offer an easy-to-use "Financial software for 13-F submissions" facility. Meet 13-F rule with this low-cost user-friendly 13-F filing service. This form 13-F reporting software lets you meet 13-F requirement easily and quickly. This reasonably priced web-based site creates 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. What about an easy-to-use "Automated 13-F securities scrubbing service" facility? Our reasonably priced cloud-based easy-to-use website converts 13F Information Table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This form 13-F reporting tool lets you meet 13-F rule easily and quickly. Our economical cloud-based site converts 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. Consider this a cost-effective "Automated 13-F data aggregation" website. This economical online service creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. We provide an easy-to-use "Automated 13-F securities scrubbing service" facility. Meet 13-F mandate with this economical easy-to-use 13-F filing service. The filing deadline for EDGAR form 13-F is 45 days after end of quarter. This reasonably priced web-based easy-to-use website creates 13F Information Table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. It converts Excel to 13-F XML. Our low-cost web-based website converts 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. What about an easy-to-use "Financial software for 13-F submissions" facility? This cost-effective cloud-based user-friendly website creates 13F Information Table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This form 13-F reporting tool lets you meet 13-F requirement easily and quickly.

This reasonably priced online easy-to-use website creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F reporting software lets you meet 13-F rule easily and quickly. Our cost-effective cloud-based easy-to-use service creates XML holdings table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F reporting software lets you meet 13-F deadline easily and quickly.

SEC Form 13-F Deadline

Our reasonably priced online easy-to-use site converts 13F Information Table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. The EDGAR 13-F filing threshold is $100 million in managed assets. Meet 13-F deadline with this cost-effective easy-to-use 13-F filing service. This form 13-F reporting software lets you meet 13-F mandate easily and quickly. Our cost-effective web-based user-friendly service converts 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing tool lets you meet 13-F deadline easily and quickly. Meet 13-F requirement with this low-cost easy-to-use 13-F filing service. Are you looking for a cost-effective "Automated 13-F data aggregation" website? Our economical cloud-based easy-to-use service converts 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing software lets you meet 13-F requirement easily and quickly. This low-cost online easy-to-use service converts 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Do you need an inexpensive "XML formatting for SEC Information Table" solution? Meet 13-F requirement with this reasonably priced 13-F filing service. This form 13-F filing tool lets you meet 13-F rule easily and quickly. This reasonably priced online user-friendly site creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. We provide a budget-friendly "Online SEC 13-F filing platform" capability. Meet 13-F requirement with this reasonably priced easy-to-use 13-F filing service. The EDGAR 13-F filing requirement is $100 million in managed assets. Our cost-effective cloud-based easy-to-use service converts XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. The EDGAR 13-F filing rule is $100 million in managed assets. Meet 13-F mandate with this economical 13-F filing service. What about a user-friendly "Cost-effective 13-F filing assistance" platform? Our low-cost cloud-based user-friendly site converts XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Are you looking for a budget-friendly "Online SEC 13-F filing platform" capability?

Form 13-F Rule and Requirement

Our reasonably priced online service creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. Do you need an inexpensive "Cost-effective 13-F reporting platforms" solution? Our cost-effective web-based site creates XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Consider this a user-friendly "Cost-effective 13-F filing assistance" platform. This low-cost web-based user-friendly site converts 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. We offer a budget-friendly "Cheapest way to prepare SEC Form 13-F" capability. This cost-effective online user-friendly service creates XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Do you need an inexpensive "Affordable SEC 13-F filing solutions" solution? This low-cost cloud-based user-friendly site converts 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F filing software lets you meet 13-F mandate easily and quickly. Meet 13-F rule with this cost-effective 13-F filing service. The SEC 13-F filing rule is $100 million in managed assets. Meet 13-F rule with this cost-effective user-friendly 13-F filing service. Are you looking for a budget-friendly "Cheapest way to prepare SEC Form 13-F" capability? This economical online easy-to-use service converts XML holdings table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. This form 13-F reporting tool lets you meet 13-F mandate easily and quickly. This economical web-based easy-to-use service creates 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. Consider this an affordable "Low-cost 13-F reporting solution" tool. This economical online site converts 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. What about a user-friendly "Online tools for 13-F compliance" platform? This economical online website creates XML holdings table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. We offer an inexpensive "XML formatting for SEC Information Table" solution. Our low-cost online service creates 13F Information Table from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Do you need an affordable "Low-cost 13-F reporting solution" tool? This cost-effective web-based easy-to-use website converts 13F Information Table from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing. We provide an inexpensive "Cost-effective 13-F reporting platforms" solution. Our reasonably priced cloud-based website creates 13F XML from Excel for EDGAR 13-F filing.

We offer an inexpensive "Affordable SEC 13-F filing solutions" solution. This economical web-based website creates 13F XML from Excel for SEC 13-F filing. Consider this a cost-effective "Affordable SEC 13-F filing solutions" website.

SEC Form 13-F - Cost-efficient Web-based Self-Service

Investment Managers with $100 million or more in assets under management must file SEC Form 13-F to disclose qualifying holdings every quarter. This filing has 2 parts: 1. Cover sheet, which can be completed as an online form at the SEC filing website. 2. Information table detailing the qualifying securities in XML format. Companies must convert data from their spreadsheets into this format. Our easy-to-use web-based service scrubs, filters, aggregates and organizes the securities in your raw spreadsheets, and creates the submission-ready XML table very cost-effectively with many benefits: No software to purchase, install and maintain No significant changes needed to your spreadsheets - you don’t need to lay them out in any particular format No need to aggregate, scrub or filter holdings against the SEC 13-F list - this service does it all for you No learning needed - this single page has all the instructions View the processed results at no charge - pay only to download the final XML file Very cost-effective - most filings are $100 to $125. All data and transactions secured with TLS encryption

How it works

1. No need to redo your holdings table spreadsheet(s). You only need the relevant columns to have the following heading labels (shown bold - case, spaces and punctuation are not significant): •  CUSIP - uniquely identifies each security •  Quantity or Amount - number of shares or principal amount •  Value or MarketValue - market value (in dollars) •  Security or Name - name of the security 1 •  Type or Class or Title - type of security 1 •  FIGI - financial instrument global identifier 2 •  Ticker or Symbol - ticker symbol 3 •  ShPrn or PrnSh - shares (SH) or principal (PRN) 4 •  PutCall or CallPut - required only for options •  InvDiscretion or Discretion - sole/defined/other 5 •  ISole - sole investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IDefined - defined investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IOther - other investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  OtherManagers or Managers - comma-separated index numbers 6 •  VotingAuthority or Authority - sole/shared/none 7 •  VSole - sole voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VShared - shared voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VNone - no voting authority (number of shares) 7 Columns may be in any order. CUSIP, Quantity and Value are the only required columns. The other columns may be omitted if default values are appropriate. Extra columns having other labels are ignored. Click here to download a sample Excel file. 2. Remove extra rows from the table, leaving column headings in the first row followed by security entries and nothing else. 3. If you have tables in multiple files, do the above for each and combine into a .zip file. 4. In the SEC Form 13-F Self-Service box, fill in or edit any fields as needed and click Show Free Preview and Cost. The scrubbed and aggregated information table will display in a couple of seconds, along with the exact cost to produce the XML file. 5. Examine and check the information table. Once satisfied with the results, fill in your credit/debit card details in the Secure Payment box and click Pay and Download XML Table. The XML table, ready for submission, will download to your computer in a couple of seconds. 6. Log in to the SEC filing website, fill in the 13-F cover sheet, attach the 13-F table and submit your filing. Done! Questions or need additional help? Email us, or call/text 585-310-1740 8am to 6pm EST. _________________________ 1 Security and Type columns are not required since the service gets these values from the SEC 13F list. If there, these columns are ignored unless the Use entries ‘as is’ checkbox is checked in the submission form. 2 As per SEC guidelines, FIGI is optional. 3 The Ticker column is not required. If you have this column, the symbols are included in the proof for your reference. 4 If there is no ShPrn column. the Default Shares/Principal value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. 5 Your table should either have the InvDiscretion column (which specifies sole/defined/other discretion for all shares in a line item), or ISole, IDefined and IOther columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Investment Discretion value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the InvDiscretion column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table has ISole, IDefined and IOther columns, the service breaks out the shares into multiple rows to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout. 6 Index numbers in the OtherManagers column refer to correspondng numbers in the 13F cover sheet. If your table does not have this column, the Default Other Managers value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. The value may be blank if there are no other managers. 7 Your table should either have the VotingAuthority column (which specifies sole/shared/none authority for all shares in a line item), or VSole, VShared and VNone columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Voting Authority value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the VotingAuthority column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table does not have VSole, VShared and VNone columns, the service automatically creates them to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout.


You may upload Excel files saved as .xlsx, .xlsm or .csv. Older .xls format files must be saved as one of these types to use this service.

Excel files with Multiple Sheets (Tabs)

If 13-F data is in only one sheet (most common situation), make sure that sheet is showing and save the file. The platform will process only the visible sheet. If 13-F data is in several sheets (e.g., different accounts in separate sheets), do the following: 1. If any sheets do not have 13-F data, change those sheet names to start with ! (e.g., !Sheet5). 2. Change the Excel file name to end with ! (e.g., 13f-data!.xlsx). The platform will then process securites in all sheets named without !, and it does not matter which sheet is visible.

About us

When you use a service, you want to know it’s reputable, reliable and there for you. So here’s some background: Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. has been developing EDGAR filing solutions since the earliest days of EDGAR (1993). Our current offerings range from traditionally licensed desktop and networked- office software to pay-as-you-go cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service). For EDGAR filings, these include: EDGARsuite - Premier SEC EDGAR Filing Software, a professional heavy-duty filing solution including iXBRL, HTML and XML format filings with automated single-click submission to EDGAR. InstantEDGAR - a Microsoft Word Add-in for easily creating EDGAR-valid HTML from Word documents for less frequent users desiring a locally installed pay-as-you-go solution. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting Microsoft Word documents to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting PDF files to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) to prepare an 8-K filing (including cover page XBRL) from a Word document containing the body of the 8-K, using simple form-fill for the cover page - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in 13-F filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in N-PX (Proxy Voting Record) filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form SHO (short position/activity disclosure) filing by filling in a simple form and uploading your Excel spreadsheet(s). - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form 12b-25 notification of late filing by filling in a simple form. - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting SEC Beneficial Ownership Filings (forms 13G, 13D, 3, 4 and 5), all by filling in a simple form. And above all, we’re there for you. If you have any questions or issues, we’re only a phone call/text (585-310-1740) or email away!
585-310-1740 | Email: click here c/o Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. 70 Office Park Way • Pittsford, NY 14534-1746
Web-based Services
Copyright © Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc., 2025 - Last updated 2025-02-12 EDGAR® and SEC® are trademarks of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.’s products and services are not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 13-F Self-service

* indicates required field(s)

* Period:

* Source Table(s) (.xlsx, .xlsm, .csv or .zip file):

Default Investment Discretion:
Default Voting Authority:
Default Shares/Principal:
Default Other Managers:
Include under-threshold securities 
Include Non-13F securities 
Use entries 'as is'(do not scrub against SEC list) 

What is ? (help us frustrate spam bots)

Secure Payment

* Name:

* Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

* City, State:

* Zip, Country:

* Email:

Phone number:

* Credit/Debit Card:
   Exp:    CVC: 


SEC Form 13-F - Cost-efficient Web-based


Investment Managers with $100 million or more in assets under management must file SEC Form 13-F to disclose qualifying holdings every quarter. This filing has 2 parts: 1. Cover sheet, which can be completed as an online form at the SEC filing website. 2. Information table detailing the qualifying securities in XML format. Companies must convert data from their spreadsheets into this format. Our easy-to-use web-based service scrubs, filters, aggregates and organizes the securities in your raw spreadsheets, and creates the submission-ready XML table very cost-effectively with many benefits: No software to purchase, install and maintain No significant changes needed to your spreadsheets - you don’t need to lay them out in any particular format No need to aggregate, scrub or filter holdings against the SEC 13-F list - this service does it all for you No learning needed - this single page has all the instructions View the processed results at no charge - pay only to download the final XML file Very cost-effective - most filings are $100 to $125. All data and transactions secured with TLS encryption

How it works

1. No need to redo your holdings table spreadsheet(s). You only need the relevant columns to have the following heading labels (shown bold - case, spaces and punctuation are not significant): •  CUSIP - uniquely identifies each security •  Quantity or Amount - number of shares or principal amount •  Value or MarketValue - market value (in dollars) •  Security or Name - name of the security 1 •  Type or Class or Title - type of security 1 •  FIGI - financial instrument global identifier 2 •  Ticker or Symbol - ticker symbol 3 •  ShPrn or PrnSh - shares (SH) or principal (PRN) 4 •  PutCall or CallPut - required only for options •  InvDiscretion or Discretion - sole/defined/other 5 •  ISole - sole investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IDefined - defined investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IOther - other investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  OtherManagers or Managers - comma- separated index numbers 6 •  VotingAuthority or Authority - sole/shared/none 7 •  VSole - sole voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VShared - shared voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VNone - no voting authority (number of shares) 7 Columns may be in any order. CUSIP, Quantity and Value are the only required columns. The other columns may be omitted if default values are appropriate. Extra columns having other labels are ignored. Click here to download a sample Excel file. 2. Remove extra rows from the table, leaving column headings in the first row followed by security entries and nothing else. 3. If you have tables in multiple files, do the above for each and combine into a .zip file. 4. In the SEC Form 13-F Self-Service box, fill in or edit any fields as needed and click Show Free Preview and Cost. The scrubbed and aggregated information table will display in a couple of seconds, along with the exact cost to produce the XML file. 5. Examine and check the information table. Once satisfied with the results, fill in your credit/debit card details in the Secure Payment box and click Pay and Download XML Table. The XML table, ready for submission, will download to your computer in a couple of seconds. 6. Log in to the SEC filing website, fill in the 13-F cover sheet, attach the 13-F table and submit your filing. Done! Questions or need additional help? Email us, or call/text 585-310-1740 8am to 6pm EST. _________________________ 1 Security and Type columns are not required since the service gets these values from the SEC 13F list. If there, these columns are ignored unless the Use entries ‘as is’ checkbox is checked in the submission form. 2 As per SEC guidelines, FIGI is optional. 3 The Ticker column is not required. If you have this column, the symbols are included in the proof for your reference. 4 If there is no ShPrn column. the Default Shares/Principal value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. 5 Your table should either have the InvDiscretion column (which specifies sole/defined/other discretion for all shares in a line item), or ISole, IDefined and IOther columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Investment Discretion value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the InvDiscretion column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table has ISole, IDefined and IOther columns, the service breaks out the shares into multiple rows to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout. 6 Index numbers in the OtherManagers column refer to correspondng numbers in the 13F cover sheet. If your table does not have this column, the Default Other Managers value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. The value may be blank if there are no other managers. 7 Your table should either have the VotingAuthority column (which specifies sole/shared/none authority for all shares in a line item), or VSole, VShared and VNone columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Voting Authority value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the VotingAuthority column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table does not have VSole, VShared and VNone columns, the service automatically creates them to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout.


You may upload Excel files saved as .xlsx, .xlsm or .csv. Older .xls format files must be saved as one of these types to use this service.

Excel files with Multiple Sheets (Tabs)

If 13-F data is in only one sheet (most common situation), make sure that sheet is showing and save the file. The platform will process only the visible sheet. If 13-F data is in several sheets (e.g., different accounts in separate sheets), do the following: 1. If any sheets do not have 13-F data, change those sheet names to start with ! (e.g., !Sheet5). 2. Change the Excel file name to end with ! (e.g., 13f-data!.xlsx). The platform will then process securites in all sheets named without !, and it does not matter which sheet is visible.

About us

When you use a service, you want to know it’s reputable, reliable and there for you. So here’s some background: Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. has been developing EDGAR filing solutions since the earliest days of EDGAR (1993). Our current offerings range from traditionally licensed desktop and networked-office software to pay-as-you-go cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service). For EDGAR filings, these include: EDGARsuite - Premier SEC EDGAR Filing Software, a professional heavy-duty filing solution including iXBRL, HTML and XML format filings with automated single-click submission to EDGAR. InstantEDGAR - a Microsoft Word Add-in for easily creating EDGAR-valid HTML from Word documents for less frequent users desiring a locally installed pay-as-you-go solution. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting Microsoft Word documents to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting PDF files to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) to prepare an 8-K filing (including cover page XBRL) from a Word document containing the body of the 8-K, using simple form-fill for the cover page - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in 13-F filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in N-PX (Proxy Voting Record) filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form SHO (short position/activity disclosure) filing by filling in a simple form and uploading your Excel spreadsheet(s). - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form 12b-25 notification of late filing by filling in a simple form. - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting SEC Beneficial Ownership Filings (forms 13G, 13D, 3, 4 and 5), all by filling in a simple form. And above all, we’re there for you. If you have any questions or issues, we’re only a phone call/text (585-310-1740) or email away!
585-310-1740 | Email: click here c/o Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. 70 Office Park Way • Pittsford, NY 14534-1746
Web-based Services
Copyright © Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc., 2025 - Last updated 2025-02-12 EDGAR® and SEC® are trademarks of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.’s products and services are not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 13-F Self-service

* indicates required field(s)

* Period:

* Source Table(s) (.xlsx, .xlsm, .csv or .zip file):

Default Investment Discretion:
Default Voting Authority:
Default Shares/Principal:
Default Other Managers:
Include under-threshold securities 
Include Non-13F securities 
Use entries 'as is'(do not scrub against SEC list) 

What is ? (help us frustrate spam bots)

Secure Payment

* Name:

* Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

* City, State:

* Zip, Country:

* Email:

Phone number:

* Credit/Debit Card:
   Exp:    CVC: 

585-310-1740 | Email: click here c/o Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. 70 Office Park Way • Pittsford, NY 14534-1746

SEC Form 13-F - Cost-efficient

Web-based Self-Service

Investment Managers with $100 million or more in assets under management must file SEC Form 13-F to disclose qualifying holdings every quarter. This filing has 2 parts: 1. Cover sheet, which can be completed as an online form at the SEC filing website. 2. Information table detailing the qualifying securities in XML format. Companies must convert data from their spreadsheets into this format. Our easy-to-use web-based service scrubs, filters, aggregates and organizes the securities in your raw spreadsheets, and creates the submission-ready XML table very cost-effectively with many benefits: No software to purchase, install and maintain No significant changes needed to your spreadsheets - you don’t need to lay them out in any particular format No need to aggregate, scrub or filter holdings against the SEC 13-F list - this service does it all for you No learning needed - this single page has all the instructions View the processed results at no charge - pay only to download the final XML file Very cost-effective - most filings are $100 to $125. All data and transactions secured with TLS encryption

How it works

1. No need to redo your holdings table spreadsheet(s). You only need the relevant columns to have the following heading labels (shown bold - case, spaces and punctuation are not significant): •  CUSIP - uniquely identifies each security •  Quantity or Amount - number of shares or principal amount •  Value or MarketValue - market value (in dollars) •  Security or Name - name of the security 1 •  Type or Class or Title - type of security 1 •  FIGI - financial instrument global identifier 2 •  Ticker or Symbol - ticker symbol 3 •  ShPrn or PrnSh - shares (SH) or principal (PRN) 4 •  PutCall or CallPut - required only for options •  InvDiscretion or Discretion - sole/defined/other 5 •  ISole - sole investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IDefined - defined investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IOther - other investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  OtherManagers or Managers - comma-separated index numbers 6 •  VotingAuthority or Authority - sole/shared/none 7 •  VSole - sole voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VShared - shared voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VNone - no voting authority (number of shares) 7 Columns may be in any order. CUSIP, Quantity and Value are the only required columns. The other columns may be omitted if default values are appropriate. Extra columns having other labels are ignored. Click here to download a sample Excel file. 2. Remove extra rows from the table, leaving column headings in the first row followed by security entries and nothing else. 3. If you have tables in multiple files, do the above for each and combine into a .zip file. 4. In the SEC Form 13-F Self-Service box, fill in or edit any fields as needed and click Show Free Preview and Cost. The scrubbed and aggregated information table will display in a couple of seconds, along with the exact cost to produce the XML file. 5. Examine and check the information table. Once satisfied with the results, fill in your credit/debit card details in the Secure Payment box and click Pay and Download XML Table. The XML table, ready for submission, will download to your computer in a couple of seconds. 6. Log in to the SEC filing website, fill in the 13-F cover sheet, attach the 13-F table and submit your filing. Done! Questions or need additional help? Email us, or call/text 585-310-1740 8am to 6pm EST. _________________________ 1 Security and Type columns are not required since the service gets these values from the SEC 13F list. If there, these columns are ignored unless the Use entries ‘as is’ checkbox is checked in the submission form. 2 As per SEC guidelines, FIGI is optional. 3 The Ticker column is not required. If you have this column, the symbols are included in the proof for your reference. 4 If there is no ShPrn column. the Default Shares/Principal value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. 5 Your table should either have the InvDiscretion column (which specifies sole/defined/other discretion for all shares in a line item), or ISole, IDefined and IOther columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Investment Discretion value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the InvDiscretion column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table has ISole, IDefined and IOther columns, the service breaks out the shares into multiple rows to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout. 6 Index numbers in the OtherManagers column refer to correspondng numbers in the 13F cover sheet. If your table does not have this column, the Default Other Managers value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. The value may be blank if there are no other managers. 7 Your table should either have the VotingAuthority column (which specifies sole/shared/none authority for all shares in a line item), or VSole, VShared and VNone columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Voting Authority value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the VotingAuthority column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table does not have VSole, VShared and VNone columns, the service automatically creates them to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout.


You may upload Excel files saved as .xlsx, .xlsm or .csv. Older .xls format files must be saved as one of these types to use this service.

Excel files with Multiple Sheets (Tabs)

If 13-F data is in only one sheet (most common situation), make sure that sheet is showing and save the file. The platform will process only the visible sheet. If 13-F data is in several sheets (e.g., different accounts in separate sheets), do the following: 1. If any sheets do not have 13-F data, change those sheet names to start with ! (e.g., !Sheet5). 2. Change the Excel file name to end with ! (e.g., 13f-data!.xlsx). The platform will then process securites in all sheets named without !, and it does not matter which sheet is visible.

About us

When you use a service, you want to know it’s reputable, reliable and there for you. So here’s some background: Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. has been developing EDGAR filing solutions since the earliest days of EDGAR (1993). Our current offerings range from traditionally licensed desktop and networked-office software to pay-as-you-go cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service). For EDGAR filings, these include: EDGARsuite - Premier SEC EDGAR Filing Software, a professional heavy-duty filing solution including iXBRL, HTML and XML format filings with automated single-click submission to EDGAR. InstantEDGAR - a Microsoft Word Add-in for easily creating EDGAR-valid HTML from Word documents for less frequent users desiring a locally installed pay-as-you-go solution. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting Microsoft Word documents to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting PDF files to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) to prepare an 8-K filing (including cover page XBRL) from a Word document containing the body of the 8-K, using simple form-fill for the cover page - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in 13-F filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in N-PX (Proxy Voting Record) filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form SHO (short position/activity disclosure) filing by filling in a simple form and uploading your Excel spreadsheet(s). - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form 12b-25 notification of late filing by filling in a simple form. - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting SEC Beneficial Ownership Filings (forms 13G, 13D, 3, 4 and 5), all by filling in a simple form. And above all, we’re there for you. If you have any questions or issues, we’re only a phone call/text (585-310-1740) or email away!
Web-based Services
Copyright © Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc., 2025 - Last updated 2025-02-12 EDGAR® and SEC® are trademarks of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.’s products and services are not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 13-F Self-service

* indicates required field(s)

* Period:

* Source Table(s) (.xlsx, .xlsm, .csv or .zip file):

Default Investment Discretion:
Default Voting Authority:
Default Shares/Principal:
Default Other Managers:
Include under-threshold securities 
Include Non-13F securities 
Use entries 'as is'(do not scrub against SEC list) 

What is ? (help us frustrate spam bots)

Secure Payment

* Name:

* Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

* City, State:

* Zip, Country:

* Email:

Phone number:

* Credit/Debit Card:
   Exp:    CVC:
585-310-1740 | Email: click here c/o Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. 70 Office Park Way • Pittsford, NY 14534-1746

SEC Form 13-F -


Web-based Self-Service

Investment Managers with $100 million or more in assets under management must file SEC Form 13-F to disclose qualifying holdings every quarter. This filing has 2 parts: 1. Cover sheet, which can be completed as an online form at the SEC filing website. 2. Information table detailing the qualifying securities in XML format. Companies must convert data from their spreadsheets into this format. Our easy-to-use web-based service scrubs, filters, aggregates and organizes the securities in your raw spreadsheets, and creates the submission-ready XML table very cost-effectively with many benefits: No software to purchase, install and maintain No significant changes needed to your spreadsheets - you don’t need to lay them out in any particular format No need to aggregate, scrub or filter holdings against the SEC 13-F list - this service does it all for you No learning needed - this single page has all the instructions View the processed results at no charge - pay only to download the final XML file Very cost-effective - most filings are $100 to $125. All data and transactions secured with TLS encryption

How it works

1. No need to redo your holdings table spreadsheet(s). You only need the relevant columns to have the following heading labels (shown bold - case, spaces and punctuation are not significant): •  CUSIP - uniquely identifies each security •  Quantity or Amount - number of shares or principal amount •  Value or MarketValue - market value (in dollars) •  Security or Name - name of the security 1 •  Type or Class or Title - type of security 1 •  FIGI - financial instrument global identifier 2 •  Ticker or Symbol - ticker symbol 3 •  ShPrn or PrnSh - shares (SH) or principal (PRN) 4 •  PutCall or CallPut - required only for options •  InvDiscretion or Discretion - sole/defined/other 5 •  ISole - sole investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IDefined - defined investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  IOther - other investment discretion (number of shares) 5 •  OtherManagers or Managers - comma- separated index numbers 6 •  VotingAuthority or Authority - sole/shared/none 7 •  VSole - sole voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VShared - shared voting authority (number of shares) 7 •  VNone - no voting authority (number of shares) 7 Columns may be in any order. CUSIP, Quantity and Value are the only required columns. The other columns may be omitted if default values are appropriate. Extra columns having other labels are ignored. Click here to download a sample Excel file. 2. Remove extra rows from the table, leaving column headings in the first row followed by security entries and nothing else. 3. If you have tables in multiple files, do the above for each and combine into a .zip file. 4. In the SEC Form 13-F Self-Service box, fill in or edit any fields as needed and click Show Free Preview and Cost. The scrubbed and aggregated information table will display in a couple of seconds, along with the exact cost to produce the XML file. 5. Examine and check the information table. Once satisfied with the results, fill in your credit/debit card details in the Secure Payment box and click Pay and Download XML Table. The XML table, ready for submission, will download to your computer in a couple of seconds. 6. Log in to the SEC filing website, fill in the 13- F cover sheet, attach the 13-F table and submit your filing. Done! Questions or need additional help? Email us, or call/text 585-310-1740 8am to 6pm EST. _________________________ 1 Security and Type columns are not required since the service gets these values from the SEC 13F list. If there, these columns are ignored unless the Use entries ‘as is’ checkbox is checked in the submission form. 2 As per SEC guidelines, FIGI is optional. 3 The Ticker column is not required. If you have this column, the symbols are included in the proof for your reference. 4 If there is no ShPrn column. the Default Shares/Principal value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. 5 Your table should either have the InvDiscretion column (which specifies sole/defined/other discretion for all shares in a line item), or ISole, IDefined and IOther columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Investment Discretion value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the InvDiscretion column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table has ISole, IDefined and IOther columns, the service breaks out the shares into multiple rows to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout. 6 Index numbers in the OtherManagers column refer to correspondng numbers in the 13F cover sheet. If your table does not have this column, the Default Other Managers value from the submission form is used for the entire table. If you have this column but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. The value may be blank if there are no other managers. 7 Your table should either have the VotingAuthority column (which specifies sole/shared/none authority for all shares in a line item), or VSole, VShared and VNone columns which specify the number of shares in each category. If none of these four columns exist, then the Default Voting Authority value from the submission form applies to all shares in the entire table. If the VotingAuthority column exists but some cells in it are blank, the default value is used for those cells. If your table does not have VSole, VShared and VNone columns, the service automatically creates them to satisfy the SEC Information Table layout.


You may upload Excel files saved as .xlsx, .xlsm or .csv. Older .xls format files must be saved as one of these types to use this service.

Excel files with Multiple

Sheets (Tabs)

If 13-F data is in only one sheet (most common situation), make sure that sheet is showing and save the file. The platform will process only the visible sheet. If 13-F data is in several sheets (e.g., different accounts in separate sheets), do the following: 1. If any sheets do not have 13-F data, change those sheet names to start with ! (e.g., !Sheet5). 2. Change the Excel file name to end with ! (e.g., 13f-data!.xlsx). The platform will then process securites in all sheets named without !, and it does not matter which sheet is visible.

About us

When you use a service, you want to know it’s reputable, reliable and there for you. So here’s some background: Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc. has been developing EDGAR filing solutions since the earliest days of EDGAR (1993). Our current offerings range from traditionally licensed desktop and networked-office software to pay-as-you-go cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service). For EDGAR filings, these include: EDGARsuite - Premier SEC EDGAR Filing Software, a professional heavy-duty filing solution including iXBRL, HTML and XML format filings with automated single-click submission to EDGAR. InstantEDGAR - a Microsoft Word Add-in for easily creating EDGAR-valid HTML from Word documents for less frequent users desiring a locally installed pay-as-you-go solution. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting Microsoft Word documents to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for converting PDF files to EDGAR-valid HTML - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) to prepare an 8-K filing (including cover page XBRL) from a Word document containing the body of the 8-K, using simple form-fill for the cover page - the most economical option, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in 13-F filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing the XML Information Table in N-PX (Proxy Voting Record) filings, with nothing to install or maintain locally. - a cloud/web-based AaaS (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form SHO (short position/activity disclosure) filing by filling in a simple form and uploading your Excel spreadsheet(s). - a cloud/web-based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting an SEC form 12b-25 notification of late filing by filling in a simple form. - a cloud/web- based Aaas (application as a service) for preparing and submitting SEC Beneficial Ownership Filings (forms 13G, 13D, 3, 4 and 5), all by filling in a simple form. And above all, we’re there for you. If you have any questions or issues, we’re only a phone call/text (585-310-1740) or email away!
Web-based Services
Copyright © Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc., 2025 Last updated 2025-02-12 EDGAR® and SEC® are trademarks of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.’s products and services are not affiliated with or approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC Form 13-F Self-service

* indicates required field(s)

* Period:

* Source Table(s) (.xlsx, .xlsm, .csv or .zip file):

Default Investment Discretion:
Default Voting Authority:
Default Shares/Principal:
Default Other Managers:
Include under-threshold securities 
Include Non-13F securities 
Use entries 'as is'(do not scrub against SEC list) 

What is ? (help us frustrate spam bots)

Secure Payment

* Name:

* Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

* City, State:

* Zip, Country:

* Email:

Phone number:

* Credit/Debit Card:
   Exp:    CVC: